Monday, September 26, 2011


Life has been busy so I thought this illustration was fitting.
Sometimes you have to remind yourself to take the time to just breathe.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Fashion Camouflage

Saw this...

Which made me think of this...
Such a good movie. Also the soundtrack is amazing - own it!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A little nail swagger.

Wanted to have some fancy looking nails for work tomorrow so I bought a nail art pen and thought I would give this a try. Since it was my first attempt I went minimal with metallic gray on cement gray. It was super easy and I look forward to trying some new designs soon. I must say though, trying to make designs with my non-dominant hand was a bit of a challenge but it still turned out alright. Can't wait to show them off tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dessert please.

Can someone make these cupcakes and send them my way. They sound sooooo good!
{Pumpkin Spice with Dark Chocolate Chips and Cream Cheese Frosting}

Monday, August 22, 2011

Just a little color.

Enjoying a lazy day. Found some colorful inspiration that I thought I would share.

Two artists:

Jen Stark

Beatriz Milhazes

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today I got my hair cut and some new clothes. I will be stepping out in style. To go with the new stuff high a cute little picture of a tiny treehouse. Who hasn't looked at broccoli and thought it looks like a bunch of little trees.
(image via webchen)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can't Wait!

This may make me a nerd but I am really looking forward to the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. I even rewatched part one so I could refresh my memory. Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite characters. The things she says and wears make it all the more interesting. Happy Harry Potter watching to all! Here's a little video to help tide you over till then.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Famous Thoughts.

Some thoughts from my favorite author. Matilda is such a great book and so is the BFG. Read them if you haven't already.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello Kitty.

Must be a hairball. Too cute!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Nothing against Twilight, but when I saw this I laughed. It's good to be prepared.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bubble Bubble

This was me today. Drinking some yummy bubble tea. Except mine was honeydew so it was green. Slurp...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stripes on Stripes.

Just the daily grind lately. Hubby talked about taking a little vacation in a month-ish so I am looking forward to that. Did buy the song "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys to help put me in a summer mood as I get ready for work in the morning. Eventhough the weather is going to be cool and rainy tomorrow. Plan on wearing a striped cardigan over a striped t-shirt to keep things interesting. Hope life is treating you well.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Sorry blog readers if there are still some of you left out there. I didn't forget about the blog, there just hasn't been much inspiration on my part. The world is filled with amazing things they just need to make their way to me more often. Will try to do better with what's left of May.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Won this awesome original drawing by M.S. Corley.
Can't wait to get it in the mail.
It made my day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Something Unexpected.

Found photographer Irina Werning's website today, loved it, showed it to my husband, and am now sharing it with you. Enjoy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kitty Love

My cat is awesome or at least I think so. I am guessing everyone feels that way about their own cat. Because I love my cat I have little art pieces around my house celebrating that fact. There is the picture of a young cat woman with a little kitty buddy, a yeti rescuing a kitty from a tree, and of course a picture of my cat looking adorable. So I thought I would share this little giveaway you can enter at Pikaland. Because who couldn't use some more cat themed objects in their life, I know I could. Should mention you need to enter by tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Double Rainbow!

I wish I knew how to make both of these, so colorful!

(source for bread pic)

Monday, April 11, 2011

The air up there.

I saw Natsumi Hayashi 's photographs awhile ago and then just happened to stumble upon them again today. Thought I would share it with the rest of you encase you haven't seen her work before. Her photos are called 'daily levitations' and it won't take you long to see why.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Let's Pretend

Making Fiends is so great. It's done in such a simple style that is appreciated when compared to other over the top stuff out there. Plus it has this quirky sense of dark humor that makes a person laugh.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Nerd Love

I really don't have much to say but I thought I would post this picture because this is pretty much the kind of nerd I am. (No that is not me with a box on my head but I have made sure to wear a Harry Potter shirt every time I go to see the newest HP movie.) Also if you look back you will see that I did indeed go to Gen Con.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Days Away

So there hasn't been any posting on here lately because I have been out and about, in another state to be exact. It was great to get away for awhile and have a ton of fun on top of that. But it is back to the cold and work for me. I keep writing about Spring, guess I am wishing it would get here already so I can be outside without a winter coat. I also must not be the only one dreaming of Spring because after posting flower crowns here I have begun to see them popping up everywhere, like daisies! So here is a link to a site with a tutorial where you can learn to make your own, which I just might do if Spring would ever get here, you can't really wear a flower crown over the hood of your coat. Also another blogger, (Blythe Hill whose blog I think is great and look at it often), has noted the trend and has some more pics of fellow crown wearers. So if it is already Spring where you are I hope you are enjoying it while wearing a flower crown of your own.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Half a Weekend

So far it's been a good weekend. I got a lot done today. Actually started that Spring cleaning I was talking about. Went through some of my clothes and all my shoes. Hopefully I can get a good price for them so I can get some extra spending money. Also went and saw the movie Rango today. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Also on top of all of that I did some painting! I will have to take it easy tomorrow, can't work too hard on the weekend. Hope the second half of my weekend goes as well as the first half. :)

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It doesn't feel even close to Spring yet but I've got the Spring cleaning fever. Okay it's more like Spring reorganizing but some cleaning is taking place really. I am even going to try and sell some clothes/shoes off to a local store to resale. Probably won't make much but every little helps. Plus it feels like it's getting a little crowded in here, it's time for a good cleansing. Out with the old...
So in the thought of Spring here's a couple cute pictures of flowers in colorful hair. I always wanted to know how to make daisy chains, maybe I will have to teach myself so I can wear a flower crown.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It's Here!

Finally!!! Eisley's new CD is out! I bought and listened to it all. So good my ears would smile if they could. What can I say, I have been a fan since I somehow stumbled upon them years ago when all they had out was an EP. Which I of course promptly went out and purchased. Ever since then I have been hooked. Give them a listen maybe you will get hooked too. :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

One More Thing...

Found another city drawing artist, everything is coming up skylines. The artist is Jennifer Bishop and is the featured seller right now on Esty. I read through her interview and then checked out her online portfolio she has up. Seeing all these great drawings of cities and map like art makes me want to whip out a pen and start drawing...or maybe I will just keep admiring.

A Night at the Movies

The other day I watched the movie: It's a Funny Story. The movie was pretty good but my favorite part was the art featured in the movie. So I did a little looking and found the real artist's site. His name is Brian Drucker and his map paintings were the ones in the film. I really like all the detail and the soft yet punchy colors.
Speaking of movies I also found this super fun movie trivia game. Try it out.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Week Begins.

Sunday night, painted the nails for the week. Looking pretty. Now to figure out what to wear to work tomorrow. I will leave you with this comic that made me laugh, hope it does the same for you.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow again...

One would think Spring would be getting here soon but it just keeps snowing. And snowing...and snowing... You get the picture. Leaves me with plenty of time on my hands which sometimes leads me to wondering the information super highway. Didn't find much out there today so I will just leave you with this little gem.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Favorite Night of TV

Thursday night is about the only night that I actually plan to watch tv. It's all about the Office, Parks and Rec, and 30 Rock. Liz Lemon makes me laugh. And so does this man:That's right Ron Swanson. And so here is a strange yet funny site dedicated to the cats that look like him...yes you read that right cats. Cats that look like Ron Swanson.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wild Child

Here's another pic I came across that I thought went well with yesterday's.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow Day

Lots of shoveling was done today, so much snow! Spent the majority of the rest of my day indoors relaxing watching old tv episodes and painting my nails. Nothing that constructive. I will have to do better next time I have the day to myself. The two pics were found in different places but I thought they made a cute pair.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another Blizzard

So much snow! Not looking forward to shoveling out my car and the driveway. I guess I will just have to think of it as my winter workout. Just hiding out inside the house while the world outside is washed in white. Taking the time to actually start reading a new book, hang out with my husband, and browse the web. Thought I would post a few more pictures that I found lovely. Yes there is more pink...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Not much new lately. Been a slow month.
Thought I would just post a couple pictures that I found and liked.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Man of a Thousand Faces

The Nic Cage Matrix!!!
Saw this over on Bookshelves of Doom and loved it. She found it at its original site theshiznit.
I don't agree with all the placements but it is just too much fun to look at. His facial expressions are giggle inducing!

Monday, January 24, 2011


How awesome would this job be?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking Sharp.

So the new year so far has been pretty uneventful. Still sketching and reading manga. Also reading the novel Beautiful Creatures not very far but getting sucked in to the point of not wanting to set it down. But I must if I want to get some drawing done even if it's just a little which seems to be all the time and energy I have for lately. Would like to get some new stuff in the shop soon guess I better make the trip to the art supply store for some nice paper. You know the endless to do list...Well just wanted to pop over to the blog to chat and share a new site I found. If you like the illustration up top check out the rest of Kate Beaton's work at Hark! A Vagrant.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A First.

Today I was bumming around on Esty like I do sometimes. Often with the small hope that I will log in to discover I have sold something. But alas no such luck. So I decided since I was on there I would try making a treasury. I went with what I thought would be fun gifts to give that special guy in your life. It was pretty neat putting it all together, which means I will probably be doing it again soon. Take a look and you will see what I mean.
For the King of the Castle Treasury.
Little Fox Prince, 8.5x11 inch Print